Thank you for contacting us. Please note we are full and are not accepting new referrals at this time. We will get back to you as soon as possible (please be patient as we are a solo private practice).
Silverman Psychological Services LLC
1193 Pearl St.
Eugene, OR 97401
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Silverman Psychological Services LLC
1193 Pearl St.
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone, Fax, or Text: 541-293-3029
Physical address for testing appointments:
1193 Pearl St.
Eugene, OR 97401
Note: Dr. Silverman's name (Sarah Silverman, PsyD) is listed on the building roster. You are in the right place if you are at Pearl St Offices. Please take a seat in the lobby area and your examiner will come down to meet you. Unfortunately, Dr. Silverman's testing office is not wheelchair accessible. Please let us know if we need to make accommodations.
Parking: There is free and metered parking around the office building area. Please do NOT park directly behind the building. The owners of the building also discourage clients from parking in the adjacent parking lot as you can be towed and incur a hefty expense.
All Rights Reserved | Silverman Psychological
Services LLC